My husband and I played hooky this past weekend, and visited one of my favorite spots on earth, Pemaquid Point, Maine, on what might be the last gorgeous weekend before cold weather arrives. If you haven't visited Pemaquid, I highly recommend it! The rocks, the lighthouse, the view, all spectacular. I've seen it after hurricanes and during periods of complete calm; and each time I visit I return home feeling inspired and at peace.
Today I will return to the studio to continue working on holiday orders. It's hard to believe it will be Halloween in only a few days, and soon after that Thanksgiving, and then December, with all of its festive craziness. Last year I set a very ambitious agenda for myself with gifts, decorating, and dinner preparations; but this year I would simply like to enjoy the next few months, be present and make memories. I hope you will be able to do the same.
Happy Halloween to all!